Welcome to Thrycia

Happy Friday, everyone! Yes, I meant to post yesterday. However, I spent the day at my parents’ house and had a meeting that afternoon and went grocery shopping and by the time I got home, I just wanted to snuggle my cat. So you’re getting a Friday post today. Anyway, I wanted to introduce you …

St. Patrick’s Day 2023

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone! In the spirit of the day, I’ve decided to finish off the Seagram’s Escapes I bought for my birthday back in December (you can tell I’m a heavy drinker) and just one drink is enough to get my scrawny self tipsy. So bear with me. And yes, I’m twenty-two years …

Where Arrows Fall | Snippet 2

Available Now!  Can a mother’s love protect her family?  At first, when a lifeboat wrecks on the shores of St. Anne’s Cleft, Alynn the Dauntless thinks nothing of it. She has a baby to raise and a house to keep. However, things start disappearing, and it becomes evident that the lifeboat brought a malevolent stranger …