Again. Freaking again. I sit down. I write an excellent blog post. I go to the top corner where there’s a big orange button that says “Post”….
And Weebly logs me out of my account, erasing my blog post and forcing me to start from scratch.
I’m mad. I’m so mad at this God-forsaken website host. This is the third time AT LEAST this has happened to me. 
I was GOING to tell you about the first few sentences of the three new books I got on sale at the bookstore, but my fingers are tired and I don’t feel like typing another 500 words.
Instead I will tell you that I can open my window now. I will tell you that I can see the sunlight gleaming on the leaves of a tree just outside my window, and the blue sky between its branches. I will tell you that I can hear a dog barking, and the hum of an air conditioning unit, and cars as they pass along the street. I will tell you about the large patch that I sewed on my window screen, and the tape that runs along the bottom of it to keep the bugs from getting in.
Oh, the smell of fresh air! It makes my dorm feel less like a prison cell and more like a home, although a few more pictures on my walls would have a similar effect. I’ve never been good at hanging pictures. I want a nature scene–perhaps a forest in spring, with plenty of pastel pinks to go with the rest of my room–hanging on the other side of my desk. That way I’ll see it in the mornings, before I open my window, and it’ll make me smile.
I’ll tell you about the plants on my windowsill. I dropped them when I moved in, and they spilled everywhere. I re-planted them and now they’re growing towards the sunlight again. Succulets don’t need much root, I suppose.
Anyway, what can you see out your window? Let me know in the comments below! God bless you, dear reader, and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook!